Thursday, August 7, 2008

Music – the vibrations

music, vibrations, life, life after death, death, life, meaning of life, true meaning of life, music, lifeMy Physics teacher taught that any sound is a result of a series of vibration. I always have these feeling that music is a magical vibration that possesses the power to move the heart and create vibrations in the soul.

Music also has the power to make people reach a state of trance, for example the Sufi singers seems to be in a perpetual trance. But yes only good music does that. Not the non sense that few call music nowadays. I am SORRY, if I hurt few musicians! I am ready to change my mind if I am explained the meaning of songs like ” Who let the dogs out?”. Anyway.

During the 16th Century, intellects even believed that the motions of the planets create a particular music which is unheard by the human ear.

"The heavenly motions... are nothing but a continuous song for several voices, perceived not by the ear but by the intellect,
a figured music which sets landmarks
in the immeasurable flow of time.
Johaanes Kepler, a 16th century scholar

Vibrations not only produce music, but they also signify Life. Something vibrating is something moving, something moving is something alive, and something alive is Life, itself.

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